HPME Angol

Észak-Borsodi LEADER Unió Helyi Közösség Egyesület

North-Borsodi LEADER Union Local Community Association

(North-Borsod LAG)


Measure 1 „House of Tastes” community based development


„House of Tastes”: exhibiton and education centre of local quality foods and drinks (syrups and palinka) based on local traditional recipes and made from products grown and produced in the North-Borsodi LEADER area.


Main activities: permanent interactive exhibitions of local quality foods and drinks of North-Borsodi LEADER area; organizing conferences, meetings both national and international level; creating inter-generational training and education opportunities to maintain local traditions.


Measure 2 – Youth Innovation Centre complex project


Youth Innovation Centre: youth development centre and nonprofit/social enterprise established by young adults being responsable for the area with the aim of enhancing economic and human development, that keeping young people in local based on local collaboration and heritage as well as the national and transnational level partnership of the Centre. Youth is defined as 18-35 aged young adults.


The Centre itself should have special focus on situation of the disadvantaged social groups through supporting innovative youth initiatives based on local needs, providing the necessary advice and elaborating relevant methods, approaches and projects.


Main activities: elaborating, implementing and coordinating pilot projects with the aim of keeping young people in local; consultancy; enhancing local marketing, product and trademark development; organizing conferences and coordinating transnational collaborations.


Measure 3 – introduction of our three micro/sub-areas

(Valley of Hangony and Nádasd, Bükki Hegyhát, "Gömörcountry") events


Events organized in each sub-area of North-Borsod strenghtening local pride and identity as well as enhancing economic development.

Measure 4 – Local community internet radio and TV complex project

Establishing and developing local community Internet radio and TV studio and station that provides local information to the community, especially young people living in the isolated villages of North-Borsod Leader area and strenghtens their local identity through involving and training of local young people.


Measure 5 – Landscape maintenance and environmental service centres

complex project


Establishing and developing landscape maintenance and environmental service centres in each sub-areas (Valley of Nádasd, Valley of Hangony, Bükki Hegyhát, Valley of Sajó river) of North Borsod with the leadership of the Hangony centre.


Measure 6 Youth programmes; Local Youth Forums


Local Youth Forum: community programme to be implemented with multi-sectoral approach and through collaboration of municipalities of North-Borsod area in order to create opportunities for joint exchanges of information and opinions with young people with the aim of keeping them in the area and enhaning their quality of life.


Supporting such youth and cultural brochures, events, camps, festivals, exchanges, etc and Local Youth Forums that strenghten the local pride and identity of young people, provide access to the necessary local information and and enhance their active participation in the community.

Measure 7 Creating unique local image


Public place decorating outside furnitures and pavilions connecting to and set up at natural and environmental values (springs and sights) in accordance with the accepted reference manual of local unique image in North-Borsod LEADER area.


Measure 8 Artistic farm/nest Training and Culture Methodology Centre complex project


Training and Culture Methodology Centre: coordinating and assisting cultural activities, new cultural initiatives; providing the needed trainings and supporting the creation of unique local fine and appliled arts and crafts products in collaboration with national and international professional organizations.


Main activities: active participation in implementing the local unique image; coordinating the local fine and applied artists, elaborating and applying new methods based on local heritage, providing support and trainings to the local young talented artists, collaborating with national and international organizations, organizing international cultural events; provide opportunities for exhibition and creative places for the talented artists.


Measure 9 – House of Senses – Environmental Methodology Centre complex project


Environmental Methodology Centre – interactive exhibition and education centre of local natural heritage providing permanent natural exhibitions, environment-conscious education and training programmes of local young people, creating database of local natural heritage, implementing projects with national and international level collaborations.


Measure 10 Four Seasons cultural events

Four Seasons Cultural festival: serious of seasonal cultural events promoting local quality products in collaboration of sub-areas of North-Borsod LEADER area


Measure 11 Training of the socially most disadvantaged youth groups

Developing their necessary skills and competences, that supports their social integration and increasing their opportunities to become employed.



Measure 12 Transnational and trans-area collaborations

Supporting projects aiming at developing transnational and trans-area collaborations in the field of arts and culture, education, environmental protection, communication, economic development and youths.


Measure 13 Studies and plans

Elaborating studies exploring the following areas: Opportunities of small towns in the rural areas and collaboration of sub-areas in the frame of LEADER area.


Measure 14 Area-marketing conference

Area – marketing conference with the participation of professionals to explore and enhance the economic development and investment opportunities of the area as well as increase the quality of life.


Measure 15 Meetings of trades

Meetings of trades providing opportunities to exchange ideas and knowledge between different trades and professions ( turistic service providers, local growers and producers, representatives of cultural, educational and environmental institutes and authorities as well as the esperts of these fields) and enhancing the establishment of collaborative multisectoral networks.



Measure 16 Animation training

Trainings of local group of persons from different villages that develop their personal and community competences and their local knowledge enabling them to ast as „cathalisers” in their own community.


Measure 17 Trainings relating to North-Borsod LEADER community aimed development measures

Providing trainings based on local needs (horticulture, landscape maintenance) and knowledge